CDE Webinar – Professor Matt Mowlem

On Friday 10th July we were pleased to welcome Professor Matt Mowlem of ClearWater Sensors Ltd. to present his webinar entitled ‘In-situ water chemistry monitoring: the next generation of water quality data and what to do with it’. The talk continued our ‘Sensing the Environment’ webinar series. Matt is the founder of the National Oceanography Centre’s Sensors Development Group and was for 11 years the head of the Ocean technology and Engineering group. In 2019 he founded a new company, now called ClearWater Sensors Ltd. as a vehicle to commercialise Lab on Chip chemical sensor technology developed under his leadership. This includes the world’s most robust and deep diving reagent-based sensors for nutrients (Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Silicic Acid), pH and iron which also have world leading metrology performance. He currently coordinates the European Union’s Horizon 2020 funded ocean measurement systems development project “TechOceanS”, is the NOC lead for the EPSRC programme grant “MISSION” developing Silicon Photonics based MIR spectroscopy approaches for observing Green House Gasses, and contributes to four of the five ISCF capital projects under the OCEANIDS sensors programme (Autonuts and CarCASS as PI, CaPASOS and STAFES-APP as CI).

Further information and details, this and the wider webinar series is online at