Archived Environmental Data Discovery Trails – from the river catchment to deep ocean Welcome to the Digital Trail challenge: Archived Environmental Data Discovery Trails - from the river catchment to deep ocean April 1, 2025 We have set three questions to explore the UK-SCAPE project’s river data from UKCEH, and five questions to explore the offshore Ellett Array’s data available from the NERC data centre BODC. Use the comment box at the end of each question to tell us how easy or difficult it was to find the information requested. If you can’t find an answer or it’s taking too long to find an answer fill in the feedback to tell us that and submit. Here's the challenge: You are a water quality modeller investigating land-sea oxygen fluxes in the North East Atlantic and North Sea. You have set up a catchment to ocean system and now require information to validate your model hindcast from 2010 to present day. The UK-SCAPE project (led by the UK Centre for Ecology and hydrology, UKCEH) have created a web tool to obtain hydrological sensor data from diverse online sources to validate your river catchment models. The CLASS project have archived their glider data with BODC (the British Oceanographic Data Centre) providing you with oxygen data in the North East Atlantic. To find out what data are available you will need to navigate the websites. The questions will take you through the websites to obtain an oxygen value for a major river catchment in the UK and also at a required depth in the North East Atlantic within the time period you have modelled. Need a hint? Throughout the quiz, if you get stuck there are 'hint' buttons to help you. This quiz is an archive of our event run in November and December 2020. We will not be collecting any feedback or information in relation to this quiz anymore. Part One - UK-SCAPE UKCEH-led UK-SCAPE project trail to collect your river measurement:You have set up a series of river catchment models to provide land fluxes into coastal waters. To validate your river models before you couple the catchment and coast you check that the Thames river inflow is valid for a past date you have simulated.Can you find the right oxygen data to validate your model of the river Thames?To start off, you need to find the UK-SCAPE hydrological sensor data integration tool (it's a website). Hint How many water quality stations in the Thames catchment (HA39) have between 225-230 measurements of oxygen (as dissolved O2)? Don’t change the map view once you have the answer as you will next interrogate these stations.Please provide your answer as an integer number. Hint What is the mean dissolved oxygen value for Site 'TH-PTAR0022, THAME AT DORCHESTER BRIDGE' from 2000-2018? Please format your answer to 3 decimal places. Hint Open the chart for Site 'TH-PTAR0022, THAME AT DORCHESTER BRIDGE'. What was the oxygen value on 10th June 2010? Please format your answer to 2 decimal places. Hint Part Two - BODC Now you are happy with your Thames catchment model you want to check the performance of your ocean model. You need to check you are able to download oxygen data at a point in your model domain for a time period you have hindcast.To start find the BODC data glider inventory Can you find the right oxygen data to validate your model? Hint Between '2019-06-27' and '2019-11-30' what was the name of the Ellett Array platform deployed? Please provide the platform name from the table in the answer without the Ellett Array information. Hint How many sensors were deployed during Code 'Deployment 523'? Please format your answer as an integer number. Hint To verify your glider sensors before using the glider data to validate your model you need water samples data where a cruise overlaps a glider deployment. Between deployment dates '14-6-2016' and '20-6-2016', what was the start date, lat, long and Originator’s Identifier of the deepest CTD cast in The Ellett Line and Extended Ellett Line CTD Section? Please format your answer in a comma separated list like this:DD-M-YYYY, LAT, LON, OID Hint From the cruise information, what was the Long Name of the Cruise Inventory Information? Please format your answer to include the full cruise name, which will include 3 words and a code comprising 2 letters and 3 numbers. Hint Using the information you have collected, search the All data series, for the continuous CTD data to obtain the environmental hydrography profile for your CTD cast. Download the ASCII file. At a depth of '1971.17' m what was the oxygen concentration [umol/l]? Please format your answer to 1 decimal place and use your answer from the previous question.The easiest way to view the ASCII file is to import into Excel or WordPad to keep the column formatting. Hint Time's up