Archived Environmental Data Discovery Trails – from present to past meteorology around the globe

Welcome to the Digital Trail challenge: Archived Environmental Data Discovery Trails - from present to past meteorology around the globe
April 1, 2025

We have set 5 questions to explore the Met Office’s Weather Observations Website (WOW), and 4 questions to explore the Meteorological Observations taken from Ben Nevis and Fort William available through NERC’s repository for Atmospheric Science and Earth Observation (the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, CEDA). Here's the challenge:

You are an amateur meteorologist and are about to install your own home weather station, but would like to see who else in your location is also observing weather. You are planning to share your data through the Met Office’s Weather Observations Website (WOW), a portal for weather enthusiasts to share and view weather observations, worldwide.

As someone interested in citizen science you are also aware of the Operation Weather Rescue project that digitized historic meteorological records taken from Ben Nevis and Fort William to make them publicly available from the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA). You are interested to find out how these historic data have been made available to expand our access to a range of detailed meteorological data overtime.

Need a hint? Throughout the quiz, if you get stuck there are 'hint' buttons to help you.

This quiz is an archive of our event run in April 2021. We will not be collecting any feedback or information in relation to this quiz anymore.

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