Following the successful #DG23 Digital Gathering conference, comes the the ‘Constructing a Digital Environment’ Digital Gathering 23 Hackathon, where the first day has now completed ( Held at Churchill College, Cambridge, the hackathon is led by Digital Environment Expert Network member Prof Richard Reeve, Professor of Population and Ecosystem Health and team from the University of Glasgow, together with Matt Pritchard, JASMIN Operations Manager and experts from the NERC JASMIN team. The Hackathon delegates have been exploring the FAIR Data Pipeline (, intended to enable tracking of provenance of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data used in modelling. Also underway, delegates are learning how to port their models to run on the JASMIN data intensive supercomputer for environmental science. JASMIN is a shared resource for NERC’s environmental science community, encouraging communication and inter-disciplinary working between diverse scientific groups within that community, helping reduce duplication of data, effort and resources.