CDE Webinar – Prof. Hayley Fowler and team. The PYRAMID Project – Modelling dynamic flood risk

Pyramid stands for the ‘Platform for dYnamic, hyper-resolution, near-real time flood Risk AssessMent Integrating repurposed and novel Data source.

On Friday 13th January 2023, we were pleased to welcome Prof. Hayley Fowler from Newcastle University and project PI; Dr. Liz Lewis, Lecturer in Computational Hydrology, Deputy Director of Research & Innovation at Newcastle University and acting PI; Professor Hayley Fowler, Professor of Climate Change Impacts and Pyramid PI, Newcastle University; Robin Wardle, Research Software Engineer, Newcastle University; Prof Qiuhua Liang, Professor of Water Engineering, Loughborough University; Dr Amy Green, Researcher, Newcastle University, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research; Dr Ben Smith, Research Associate in Hydrology, Newcastle University; Dr Xue Tong, RA, Loughborough University; and Dr Shidong Wang, RA, Newcastle University. This talk continues our sixth ‘CDE Demonstrator Projects’ webinar series.

Flooding has been identified as the number one climate risk to the UK. Depending on the time, location, intensity of rainfall and exposure to such events, the same amount of precipitation may affect the people and operations of services differently. The aim of the PYRAMID project is to build a tool that will allow flood risk managers to understand the dynamic aspects of flood risk such as where cars or tree branches might end up during a flood and what they might damage along the way. To achieve this, the tool will incorporate brand new types of data and cutting edge flood models into an easy-to-use online platform that allows users to visualize evolving flood risks.

Further information and details, this and the wider webinar series is online at