On Friday 12th November, we were pleased to welcome Jaana Pinnick, NGDC Grants Manager at the National Geoscience Data Centre / NERC EDS, to present her webinar entitled ‘Research data management services provided by NERC EDS’. The talk commenced our ‘Data management and analytical tools for environmental science’ webinar series.
Jaana Pinnick leads the NGDC grants team, advising grant holders on all aspects of research data management lifecycle from the start of the research project to the archiving and reuse of research data. This webinar describes the RDM advice and support provided to grant holders by the NERC Environmental Data Service.
Jaana specializes in digital preservation of geoscience data at the NGDC where she is developing a preservation programme to enhance the long-term availability and reusability of the research data held at the data centre. She is also a member of the British Geological Survey (BGS) Information Governance Group, delivers an annual RDM training course for NERC- funded geoscience PhD students and is the current Vice-Chair of the UK Information and Records Management Society (IRMS).
Further information and details, this and the wider webinar series is online at https://digitalenvironment.org/cde-webinar-series/#Pinnick.