CDE Webinar – Dr Shridhar Jawak

On Friday 22nd October, we were pleased to welcome Dr Shridhar Jawak of SIOS. to present his webinar entitled ‘Remote sensing systems for polar applications’. The talk concluded our ‘Sensing the Environment’ webinar series.

Dr. Jawak is a Remote Sensing Officer (Sr. Adviser) at the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS), Longyearbyen, Norway. SIOS is an international partnership of member institutes to build a long- term sustained monitoring system for Svalbard to address broad Earth system science (ESS) questions. Shridhar’s responsibilities include to inform and advise on the emerging opportunities that broad range of Remote Sensing (RS) and Earth Observation (EO) technology offer to ESS researchers, optimize the usage of satellite and airborne RS (aircraft and UAVs) data for field scientists in Svalbard, organizing tailored training courses, webinars, and online conferences on EO and RS for Svalbard science community, communicate with space agencies to promote cal/val activities for satellite missions in Svalbard, and to bring together geospatial product developers and users to improve the usability of satellite data in Svalbard. Shridhar is also responsible for developing EO and RS based services for a wider research community working in Svalbard as a part of developing the observing system.

The event was presented with thanks to Agnar Sivertsen (NORCE), Trond Løke (Norsk Electro Optikk), participants of the SIOS HSRS ( training course for providing slides for this presentation. More information on SIOS remote sensing activities are highlighted here: SIOS hosts the special issues on ” Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS) and Geoinformation (GI) applications in Svalbard” in the journal Remote Sensing. Details about manuscript submission, scope of the special issue, and editorial board can be found on the special issue webpage: SIOS also hosts a monthly webinar series ( on variety of topics. SIOS hosts annual Remote sensing conference on Svalbard/Arctic specific applications in June every year. More information is here: SIOS supports airborne remote sensing activities using Dornier aircraft and drones. More information on how to use this platform is appended here: SIOS engages an early career researcher every year in our remote sensing working group (RSWG). Next call will be open in summer of 2022. More information is available here: SIOS provides training opportunities in remote sensing related course. More information on past courses is available here: For more information, do not hesitate to contact SIOS Remote Sensing Officer: Shridhar Jawak (

Further information and details, this and the wider webinar series is online at