CDE Webinar – Dr Kirsty Pringle, Using citizen science to measure environmental pollution – learnings from two very different studies.

On Friday 30th September, we were pleased to welcome Dr Kirsty Pringle of the SSI, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh, to present her webinar entitled ‘Using citizen science to measure environmental pollution – learnings from two very different studies‘. This talk was an additional event in our ‘Sensing the Environment’ webinar series, led by Dr Liz Bagshaw.

Dr. Kirsty Pringle is an atmospheric scientist with an interest in air pollution, climate, citizen science and open data. For 10 years, she worked at the University of Leeds developing and testing atmospheric models. She recently moved to the University of Edinburgh where she is project manager for the Software Sustainability Institute, an organisation that works to promote good software practices to facilitate research.

This talk summarised some of the highlights (and lowlights!) from two ongoing citizen science projects; BiB Breathes in which children measure air pollution during the school commute and Homes Under the Microscope in which the public collected samples of airborne microplastic in the home.

Further information and details, this and the wider webinar series is online at