On Friday 4th February, we were pleased to welcome Gwen Moncoiffe and Alexandra Kokkinaki from the NERC Environmental Data Service, to present their webinar entitled ‘Introduction to the NERC Vocab Server’. The talk continued our ‘Data management and analytical tools for environmental science’ webinar series.
Drs Gwen Moncoiffe and Alexandra Kokkinaki lead the NERC Vocabulary Server (NVS) at the National Oceanography Centre – British Oceanographic Data Centre (NOC-BODC). Gwen has a 20+ year career in scientific data management at BODC. She is currently co-chair of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Working Group InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminologies (I-ADOPT) developing a semantic framework and best practices to support semantic interoperability within and across domain boundaries. Alexandra has worked on standardisation and interoperability in the medical domain and is technical lead of the NVS and co-chair of the RDA Vocabulary Semantic Services Interest Group (VSSIG) that addresses various aspects of making semantic resources Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). The NVS is a global resource used to manage controlled vocabularies and semantic relationships between concepts. Both Gwen and Alexandra are involved in collaborations dedicated to developing FAIR data and services. Their combined interests and expertise include standardization, semantic interoperability, Linked Data, ontologies, and the Semantic Web.
Further information and details, this and the wider webinar series is online at https://digitalenvironment.org/cde-webinar-series/#MoncoiffeKokkinaki.