Art-Science collaboration, what’s it all about?
Led by: Dr. Tom August, UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) ( and colleagues Jenna Lawson and Laura Williams
Monday 10 July 1.30pm to 3:00pm
We will discuss about opportunities and challenges associated with collaborations between artists and scientists. We will hear from both artists and scientist who have experience of these collaborations and have a panel discussion including audience participation.
In this session we will explore art-science collaborations, what they can bring to your research, and hear from both researchers and artists who have experience working across the divide.
With a panel of two artists and two scientists we will explore past projects that have used art as a medium to communicate and deepen research. We will discuss challenges and triumphs that these project have led to, share tips for starting your own collaboration, and share experience that will help you develop your own collaborations.
The session will end with an extended question and answer session, facilitated for both ‘in-person’ and ‘remote’ delegates. This session will allow you all to put your questions to the experts.