The conference is over now, but here is a show reel video to explain some of the amazing things that happened at the two day event:
The “Constructing a Digital Environment” #CDE22 conference aims to bring together the NERC research community to highlight the increasing role of digital technologies in environmental research, including spotlighting the outcomes from the Digital Environment Projects, which explored methodologies and tools for assessing, analysing, monitoring and forecasting the state of the natural environment at higher spatial and temporal resolutions than previously possible, and the activities of the Digital Environment Expert network. The conference goals are to spark new collaborations, new ideas and innovative approaches to utilising technology and digital resources in environmental research.
#CDE22, is being held on 11th and 12th July 2022 at the University of Birmingham (Hackathon begins on 10th July). The conference will spotlight activities interlinking technology and advancing environmental understanding across the following themes:

Analytical tools & data management for environmental science

Sensing the Environment

Data digitisation, rescue, & re-purposing for environmental decision making

Law and Ethics in the Digital Environment

- Keynote speakers, including
- Dr. David Green, Program Manager for NASA’s Earth Science Applied Sciences Wildfires program area.
- Prof. Tim Broyd, UCL, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
- Prof. Lindsay Beevers, Chair of Environmental Engineering, University of Edinburgh
- Charles Helleputte, Partner at Steptoe, heads the EU cybersecurity, data, and privacy practice
- Masterclass on Digital Twins in the Built Environment – a hands on practical look at urban digital twins, led by Dr Hua Zhong and colleagues
- Masterclass on Clashing norms and practicalities – sharing and controlling data, led by Professor Abbe Brown, University of Aberdeen
- Hackathon on the theme of “Bridging data sciences and the public with art”
- Spotlight on Science (10 minute talks from fellows and CDE Expert Network members)
- Poster exhibition – prize (£100 Amazon voucher) for best poster
- Short talks – prize (£100 Amazon voucher) for best oral presentation
The conference is sponsored by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). To encourage maximum participation by researchers in the field and stakeholders there is no registration or abstract submission fee, lunch and refreshments will be provided. For NERC-funded PhD students who are unable to cover the travel and accommodation costs through their project, DTP or CDT, limited support may be available. Please indicate if you wish to be considered for this when registering.
The conference venue is the Y3 Engineering Building (ground floor), located on the main Edgbaston Campus, see the map below.
Transport advice:
The venue is just a short walk from University railway station. This station has frequent links to Birmingham New Street and the wider rail network.
Visitor parking on campus is extremely limited so car drivers are encouraged to consider travelling by train using the Longbridge station park and ride car park, B31 2TW, (fare £6.30 day return, car park £3 per day, journey time 13 minutes, frequency 10 mins). Otherwise visitor parking is available only at the North East Car Park Multi Storey Floors 1-5 (access via Pritchatts Road), for Sat Nav use Postcode B15 2SA.
The Ground Floor bays are reserved exclusively for Edgbaston Park Hotel Guests displaying a guest permit only.
Please note that this car park does not have a lift.
- Up to 1 hour £2.50
- 1-3 hours £4.00
- 3-5 hours £5.50
- 5-8 hours £6.20
- Up to 10 hours £7.00
No cash payment available, you must register with RingGo to pay via your credit/debit card via your mobile phone. Location Code for Non-Permit Holders is 15677
Parking at the University of Birmingham is free of charge after 6.00pm Mon – Fri and is free all day at weekends.
The pedestrian routes to the conference venue are shown in the map below:

The Edgbaston Park Hotel is on campus, and only a short walk away. If this is full or does not match your budget, there are a wide range of accommodation options in the city centre or on the Hagley Road.
Download the conference poster