Monday 11th July 2022 (9am) to Tuesday 12th July 2022 (5pm)
Hackathon starts 10th July at 3pm
Remote participation in #CDE22 is only possible if you register, you will be sent the links to participate remotely by the email that you register with. There is no cut-off date for remote registration. If you wish to participate in the hackathon, you must additionally register for that via the webform or the Devpost listing.
The oral, plenary, keynote, spotlight on science and awards sessions will be broadcast on Zoom Webinar, the links will be sent to all remote attendees. As a audience member you will no be able to interact with the speakers or session chairs and your sound and image will not be shown to the room, unless the organiser specifically invites you. You will be able to ask questions via Slido (see below) but questions or comments via Zoom may not be monitored.
Speakers delivering remote talks will be given panellist status for Zoom Webinar which will permit them to share their screen and camera with the audience. The panellist links that will be emailed to you are personal and should not be shared. Please join with your panellist link at least 10 minutes before the start of the session in which you are presenting, this will allow your connection and screen sharing to be tested before the webinar broadcast commences. Please visit Slido after your talk to view any unanswered questions that you may wish to respond to.
The interactive elements such as the workshops and hackathon will be delivered by standard Zoom, which will allow full interactivity. Where smaller group activities occur within these events, breakout rooms will be assigned. You may use the Zoom chat feature to communicate with other remote participants and the Zoom administrator but questions to speakers may also be submitted via Slido (see below).
Q&A (Slido)
We will be using Slido to manage audience Q&A. We would encourage delegates to install the Slido app on their smartphone or tablet. Participation through a web-browser is also available. The code for the conference is #CDE22 or use the QR code displayed here or this link. There is a “room” set up for each oral session, masterclass, keynotes, hackathon and one for general Q&A. Please select the correct room for your question!
The full programme is here
The abstracts for the oral sessions and posters are available on the following links:
- Oral Session 1: Sensing the Environment
- Oral Session 2: Analytical tools & data management for environmental science
- Oral Session 3: Law & Ethics / General
- Oral Session 4: Analytical tools & data management for environmental science
- Oral Session 5: Analytical tools & data management for environmental science
- Oral Session 6: Sensing the Environment
- Posters
£100 Amazon gift cards will be awarded to the best oral presentation and the best poster. Prizes up to £3,000 will be awarded for the hackathon winners,
Poster presenters may or may not make digital copies of their poster available for remote viewing. You will be sent private links to these during the conference. If you are interesting in seeing a poster that is not available online, please use Slido to request access from the author (in the Posters room).